Thursday, December 9, 2010

Knowledge of the constellation Constellation comprehensive analysis of four-phase

 Fire sign: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
smuggle large amounts of energy at the same time. The universe is one such star in a burning sun, a large fireball, it continuously emits light.
or expression. While the daily life of the Central Standing Committee to use to fire, but fire is the most unstable situation must be carefully controlled in order to use an element. allelopathy from the five elements theory point of view, the wind made the fire, the wind makes the fire burn more violent, if less wind, fire, how it can not continue to burn. Soil and water are, fire can be put out or dampen the fire cover.
ways: intuition
Status: Hot
sentiment index: irritability
psychological tendencies: the subjective
physical state: the three characteristics of combustion
symbol Ruler Mars in Aries the ram based
Leo I Leo I fixed the sun to create
Changes in Jupiter, Sagittarius the archer, and I think
constellation known as the fire-related fire sign, including Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, respectively, ram, lion and archers as a symbol. all of which are representative of the energetic and survive this image, just as fire signs are the same with the various qualities.
Aries dominated by Mars, the excitement for dynamic stimuli, learning leadership skills or become interested in comparing personality childish, willful, impulsive; like to get attention at the same time a lack of patience, thinking what to do, and rebellious nature, do not like to be restricted as long as usual acting style is not what I like. In general, Aries are mostly impatient, passionate people.
fixed, The fire of Leo, just as it dominates the stars like the sun, emitting stable light. If Aries is fire lost control of the cloud, then the seat is properly controlled the lion's fire. Lion the seat warm and creative personality,UGG bailey button, and they despise despicable and unworthy behavior. their noble king high profile, like the lion king of the forest. reliable, brave and indomitable spirit is obviously the nature of Leo.
Sagittarius is a half human, half horse (who first horse) and animals, also known as But the fact is they are looking for is not prey, but more philosophical goals. Sagittarius is a constellation of diverse, manners starts acting strangely,Discount UGG boots, idealistic, in the first place to honor and very popular small animal care. Sagittarius attaches great importance to moral and ethical, so that this kind of violent energy into the dynamic pursuit of noble goals.
fire sign of character:
fire sign people rely on intuition to understand world, act like relying on a hunch, take gamble of mind. they would rather hear the engine noise to decide how to fly, do not want to see the map shows that it is exciting and instability of their personality traits. fire sign people need someone to tell them how to do or how to read a book, they know very well. unless it was their own doubts, or the sixth sense that they rarely go wrong. So the people in accordance with fire sign an initial impulse work, but want to get a lot more than to any better. excellent not mind becoming quite suitable for them, it will undermine their positive appearance, and a high degree of confidence in the original.
fire sign of a strong sense of self, some people They are too self-centered criticism; However, perhaps because of advancing too fast, too late to indulge themselves, so they it would not overly self-indulgence. When people express in public, or to make an intimate act possessive, it may make They feel disgusted. fire sign people pay more attention, but also and most of the air signs of the people, warm and delicate feeling than capacity, so like the fire sign of impulsive nature, often leading to accidents. their impatience and temper frequently explosive, although the act is capricious and difficult to predict, but does not get to meet the strict patterns of work; necessary, but also the whole year of planning well in advance. In addition, they are extremely loyal and enthusiastic members of the family could not have resolved problems, and can honestly face.
Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
breeding ground of all things; and live in our environment, in addition to the marine and large newspaper level, the most important thing is the land, and this vast land is for the fairly stable state and not easily changed, however, which is rich in minerals and compounds, is due to due to some changes. When the ; combined, that is for things to grow
sentiment index: depression
psychological orientation: The objective
physical states: solid symbols
three key characteristics of Ruler Venus
fixed Taurus the bull changes I have
Mercury Virgo Virgo I serve my
goat Capricorn Saturn based leading
symbol of the Earth signs ---- Bulls, virgins and goats, are clear that the characteristics of each sign, and whether gender-specific, these different characteristics emphasis from the individual's characteristics are.
based, soil phase, Capricorn, showing that the most simple, basic form, so the emphasis on substantive and concrete. While many things in this world are interested in, such as money , sex, power, etc.; but they are in fact multi-dimensional nature, it is difficult to define what is a typical Capricorn. Capricorn has good aesthetics, but also pay attention to reality; ambitious large but full of spirit; is an academic and theoretical camp, but At the same time and very practical.
fixation, soil phase of the Taurus, a symbol of the most steadfast qualities of human nature. They refused to change his mind, never compromise, stubborn extreme; but also eager for a harmonious, it is also not impossible to communicate . In addition Taurus characteristics and birth and upbringing, often and reproduce the goddess Demeter, the goddess of Georgia and the earth, the words associated with motherhood. Taurus sensory preference for the United States, fully reveal the nature of the Ruler ---- Venus .
change, soil phase of the Virgo constellation of Middle-earth phase characteristics of the three less obvious one. Zhuzaihangxing Mercury due to the impact of Virgo are more flexible, focusing on spiritual and psychological level. clever , specializes in analysis capabilities, it appears to not like some features of the Earth signs; but in fact they are still quite independent, stable, and willing to serve others. the sense of desire, the attitude of most of them are hidden or selective to disclose; other extreme, they are arbitrary, often based on only the results as a judge.

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